Saturday, July 01, 2006

Question #3: Booklover or bookhater

Well, I am a booklover for sure! I don't have an indexing system, but despite the bit of a chaotic look my bookshelves are pretty organised. I have a lot of books I bought for my study (theatre). A few months ago my shelves contained more books, but I have sold about a box full because I wanted to make space. The books I sold were of the kind that you read only once.

I thought I'd answer this question with a picture, so you can have a look yourself. If you click it you can browse a bit :-)

My bookshelves


Blogger Jill said...

Oooh me too.. they are my biggest vice, almost my only one! Since I have moved so many times over the last 12 years I have had to give away 100's of books, but now I am settled I am collecting again lol. I have managed to keep all the ones I love most though.
So that's me - a booklover!

Oh and I now have a copy of the book so will be reading it and getting started!

9:26 pm  
Blogger Linda D. said...

Enjoy the book Jill.
As for Sandra's collection of books, great photo - but are those all you have? LOL. Mine are definitely not categorised, nor are they even stored very well. I desperately need more book shelves!!!
And yes, I am a book lover too ;>

1:35 pm  
Blogger Kari said...

Oooh, lots of loverly books, I just want to browse and pick them up and browse some more.

Kari x

7:18 pm  
Blogger Sandra said...

Those are all, Linda, I had more in the past, but had to make some space and got rid of books I had double, books I once bought of received but would never read and books I received through my job.
It must have been Anke's metaphor of the garden in the other post that has led me to this thought: I think a book collection is also something to take care of, like keeping a garden, where the weeds have to be removed every once in a while. I don't really miss the books I sold, except for alterning ;-)

12:52 pm  

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