well, I think I am both...;-) I do love books and I have done so many things with books: reading, of course, altering ( obviously) ,
I used them as source of information, and I have write a book ( hopefully there are more to come!). But I also bind them, tear them and I used them as furniture. I try to get rid of them, I loose them and I trade them. I make books and take them apart.I collect them....!!!
At first ( before I could read and write!) I was very interested in them and I told my Grandma stories, which she wrote done for me and I was dreaming of being an author. Then school started and I had a real hard time to read and write ... I am dyslexic!!!
I was hoping a type write could solve my problem, but unfortunately it did not. So I started hating books and reading and writing, too. I was forced to write and read a lot, but with the years something changed and now I can not live without books anymore. I can go without a lot of things, but take all my books away from me and I will be like a flower without water!!!
I definitely have to many books, but I work with them, in them and around them. And as a Persian proverb says: A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
Sometimes I need that garden to hide in and forget about what is outside of...;-)